About Us
Two brothers (Kevin & Rich) and a lifelong friend (Steve) {Get it? K-R-S} started down this path back in the early 2000's, with the purchase of our first rental property. Going through this process ourselves allowed us to learn how it works and what is involved. One property quickly turned into a few dozen and our neighbors started to ask "What's your secret to finding good tenants and making money?". That is when we formed KRS Property Management. Our goal was simple, help rental property owners avoid making the same mistakes we made and maximize stress free profits for the homeowner.
KRS now manages all types of property, from HOA's to Mixed Commercial and Residential rental property.
Reach out today to find out how we can help you.

Property Management
How do we maximize profit you ask....
The Answer: Pay Attention to the Fine Print
If you are considering other property managers, ask about the additional fees they charge.
We DO NOT charge any of the following:
• Account Set Up Fees
• Maintenance Royalties (Hidden Fees/Upcharges on top of the repair costs)
• Eviction Administration or Eviction Protection Fees. We don’t place bad tenants. If we did, we’d evict them for free!
• Lease Renewal Fees
• Tenant Warranty Fees
• Any “Extra Protection” Fees